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5 Ways To Develop Your Skills As A Songwriter
Despite what you may have heard, songwriting is absolutely a skill you can improve with time and practice. Having a natural knack for making music is clearly a huge advantage as a songwriter, but the truth...
3 Ways To Embrace A Curious Musical Mindset For Songwriting
Curiosity is by far one of the most important traits to possess as a songwriter. It’s a quality that asks what’s possible in music. Imagination unlocks new ideas as you write, and curiosity acts...
5 Creative Ways To Attract New Fans
Finding new fans can feel like one of the most arduous tasks emerging musicians face. Faced with an innate desire to make music that resonates and reaches their ideal audience, it’s easy to feel discouraged...
Turning Negativity Into Creativity in Songwriting
When things don’t go our way, it’s natural that it can sometimes overwhelm us. This can trickle down to our art, and affect the way we create music. However, we can turn this negativity into creativity....
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